

UDAAN Fest of Shankar Narayan College of Professional Courses with a theme of OFFLINE has entered in the 12th successful year & is still celebrated with great enthusiasm & Joy

UDAAN 2017 with theme of OFFLINE lets disconnect to connect from virtual to real life & friendship which reflected in their performances & sent a clear message to the students & all the participants. The festival which was for three days with a Football of over 15,000 for this fest. UDAAN has enthralling its audience with a line up events filled with exciting competition & fascinating events. The events are performing Arts, Fine arts, Techno Crafts, Sports, Mastermind , UDAAN Mania & a new event was incorporated i.e. Dhol-Baja-De from this year. The total events were 77 events and more than 2000 participants from various colleges. A large number of core-leader & Volunteers worked hard for nearly over a month to make UDAAN fest ’17 a success with the Co-operation of Principal & Management of Shankar Narayan College Trust. UDAAN fest provided healthy competition & high entertainment value.