Political Science

Year of Establishment



  1. The students will show that they can analyse political issues, trends, and developments critically. Gain knowledge of the essential tenets and theories of politics, such as the foundations of the political community, the framework and operation of the government, the role of citizenship and other kinds of political engagement, and the formulation of public policy.
  2. The students will show that they can communicate clearly. Learn about and appreciate the impact of the political issues and worries of today on the of today.
  3. The students' writing abilities will be highly analytical Appreciate the political choices people make, including those related to the types of governance that are accessible, and be familiar with the philosophical principles that underlie political systems, main ideologies, and. political parties
  4. The students will exhibit knowledge of and comprehension of basic political science theories and concepts. Encourage the development of political methodology, analysis, and the capacity to create fundamental political ideas that are used to interpret political and governmental action.
  5. The students will be able to use a case or collection of instances with the aid of an appropriate theory, or they will be able to apply theories and/or concepts from political science to actual cases. Learn to use information databases and to do research, analysis, and evaluation of political facts and information.
  6. The students will be able to assess hypotheses using either theoretical justifications or the context of actual data. Learn to communicate verbally and in writing simply and efficiently. Recognize what constitutes virtuous and effective citizenship.
  7. The students will show that they are aware of and understand their responsibilities as citizens


Careers after B.A. in Political Science

Political science may not be a professional course, but it will help you develop your critical thinking abilities and give you knowledge of how politics works. After studying political science, there are numerous employment options available in both the public and commercial sectors.

At the graduate level, political science also provide a fantastic foundation for expanding into other subjects.

The following are some of the best professions:

  1. Civil Services : One of the most common careers for those who study political science is one in the civil services, such as the IAS (Indian Administrative Service) or IFS (Indian Foreign Services). In essence, the function entails representing India, influencing decision-making, and assisting the country in running efficiently. Studying political science will give you an advantage in the exams because it is the subject of many questions from both the preliminary and main civil services examinations.
  2. Politics : With more young people entering politics in recent years, the field has become more popular. You can work as a politician in your own right or as a campaign manager or political analyst for the government or a political party. There are no formal requirements to join the political party, yet you can join the political party. By volunteering and researching political parties that share your ideas, you can break into the sector.
  3. Law : Your analytical and critical thinking abilities will have improved as a result of your political science degree, which will be beneficial to you in the legal profession. Although though there is a graduate-level 5-year LLB degree to enter the area of law, you can still do so after earning your BSc (H) in Political Science by enrolling in a 3-year LLB programme and passing the Bar Council of India's All India Bar Examination.
  4. Political Scientist : A political scientist's job involves studying numerous facets of governmental systems, how cities and countries function and interact, and the effects of governmental actions. This is just one application of the topic of political science. Political scientists not only analyse the current conditions, but they also suggest actions that might be taken. You would require a Doctorate or an MA in political science to work in this field.
  5. Social Service : Another way to assist society and those in need without having to engage in actual politics and bureaucracy is through social service. With the growth of NGOs, government outreach initiatives, and MNCs establishing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) divisions, the employment choices have increased. After earning your B.A., you can pursue a Master's degree in social work to work in social services or as a social worker.
  6. Journalism : Politics account for the great majority of news coverage in the media, and as public awareness rises, more individuals are interested in reading the news. Graduates of B.A. Political Science are excellent prospects for positions in the media as political journalists, editors, and reporters since they have a deep understanding of politics and the political landscape. You can enrol in a post-graduate journalism or mass communication study to prepare for a career in the media.
  7. Marketing : Every firm needs marketing because it links the supplier and the customer. Graduates of political science have an advantage in the field of marketing because they have an understanding of how society works, the transfer of power, and political institutions. After graduating, you can pursue an MBA or enrol in short-term or diploma marketing courses to start a career in marketing.
  8. Teaching : Teaching can be the ideal profession for you if you appreciate the in-depth study of political science. Political science is a discipline that is becoming more and more popular, and you can teach it in high school or college. For the school level, you must have a master's degree in political science and a B.Ed., or you must pass the UGC NET test to become a college professor.

Sr. Name of the Teacher Nature of Appointment Designation Qualifications Teaching Experience
1 Mr. Shashikant Sarjerao Maghade Permanent Assistant Professor B.Ed, M.A., NET(UGC) 24 years 1 months
2 Mr. SACHIN BHIMARAO KARANDE Temporary Full time Lecturer UGC SET 0 years 5 months

Courses offered :


Course : B.A.
Class : F.Y.B.A.
Course : B.A.
Class : S.Y.B.A.
Course : B.A.
Class : T.Y.B.A.

Result Analysis

Meritorious Students

Research by Faculty

Name of the Teacher Books Published News Paper Published Minor Research Project Paper Presentations Resource Person PHD Guidance
Mr. Shashikant Sarjerao Maghade Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Books Published by Faculty

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News Paper Published by Faculty

Name of the Author Heading News Paper Name Date URL VIEW

Minor Research Project by Faculty

Employee Name Topic Name Descripation Date URL VIEW

Paper Presentation by Faculty

Employee Name TopicName Descripation Place Date URL VIEW

Resource Person by Faculty

Employee Name Resource Person Name Topic Name Descripation Student Name Date URL VIEW

PHD Guidance by Faculty

Employee Name Thesis Name Student Name Qualification Date Status URL VIEW


Social Extension Work by the Teachers

Name of the Faculty Committee Experience FDP/Orientation Program Responsibilities Social Extension work by the Faculty