Year of Establishment



  1. To develop an understanding and knowledge of the basic theory of Computer Science with a good foundation on theory, systems and applications.
  2. To foster necessary skills and analytical abilities for developing computer based solutions of real-life problems.
  3. To provide training in emergent computing technologies which lead to innovative solutions for industry and academia.
  4. To develop the necessary study skills and knowledge to pursue further post-graduate study in computer science or other related fields.
  5. To develop the professional skill set required for a career in an information technology oriented business or industry.
  6. To enable students to work independently and collaboratively, communicate effectively, and become responsible, competent, confident, insightful, and creative users of computing technology


  • To formulate, to model, to design solutions, procedure and to use software tools to solve real world problems.
  • To design and develop computer programs/computer -based systems in the areas such as networking, web design, security, cloud computing, IoT, data science and other emerging technologies.
  • To familiarize with the modern-day trends in industry and research based settings and thereby innovate novel solutions to existing problems.
  • To apply concepts, principles, and theories relating to computer science to new situations. To use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice
  • To apply standard Software Engineering practices and strategies in real-time software project development
  • To pursue higher studies of specialization and to take up technical employment.
  • To work independently or collaboratively as an effective team member on a substantial software project.
  • To communicate and present their work effectively and coherently.
  • To display ethical code of conduct in usage of Internet and Cyber systems.
  •  To engage in independent and life-long learning in the background of the rapidly changing IT industry.

Sr. Name of the Teacher Nature of Appointment Designation Qualifications Teaching Experience
1 Mrs. Smita Vishal Dalvi Temporary Coordinator MSc-IT 19 years 1 months
2 Mr. Ganeshkumar R. Narayankar Temporary Assistant Professor M.C.A., MSc-IT 17 years 1 months
3 Mrs. Varsha Jadhav Temporary Assistant Professor M.C.A. 17 years 1 months
4 Mrs. Mangal Bhor Temporary Assistant Professor M.C.M. 14 years 11 months
5 Mrs. Priya B. Singh Temporary Assistant Professor MSc-IT 13 years 1 months
6 Mr. Sandeep Vishwakarma Temporary Assistant Professor M.E. 12 years 11 months
7 Mrs. Smital Mhatre Temporary Assistant Professor MSc-IT 11 years 1 months
8 Mr. Shourya Singh Temporary Assistant Professor BE 7 years 11 months
9 Mrs. Kiran Mayee Mishra Temporary Assistant Professor M.C.A. 7 years 1 months
10 Mrs. Priya Manish Mudaliar Temporary Assistant Professor BE ENTC 7 years 1 months
11 Mr. Dinup Maliakkal Temporary Assistant Professor M.SC.IT 2 years 11 months
12 Mrs. Ankita Mathur Temporary Assistant Professor M.C.A. 2 years 11 months
13 Mrs. Kirandevi Pal Temporary Assistant Professor 2 years 1 months

Courses offered :

Bsc IT

Course : B.Sc.IT
Class : F.Y.B.Sc.IT
Course : B.Sc.IT
Class : S.Y.B.Sc.IT
Course : B.Sc.IT
Class : T.Y.B.Sc.IT

Result Analysis

Meritorious Students

Research by Faculty

Name of the Teacher Books Published News Paper Published Minor Research Project Paper Presentations Resource Person PHD Guidance
Mrs. Smita Vishal Dalvi Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mr. Ganeshkumar R. Narayankar 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mrs. Varsha Jadhav Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mrs. Mangal Bhor Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mrs. Priya B. Singh Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mr. Sandeep Vishwakarma Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mrs. Smital Mhatre Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mr. Shourya Singh Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mrs. Kiran Mayee Mishra Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mrs. Priya Manish Mudaliar Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mr. Dinup Maliakkal Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mrs. Ankita Mathur Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mrs. Kirandevi Pal Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Books Published by Faculty

Name of the Author Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN URL VIEW
Mr. Ganeshkumar R. Narayankar Software Testing , MCA (Semester- 3), 1 Chaper IDOL, University of Mumbai -- -- -- --
Mr. Satish Rodhe Advance Database Management System , MCA (Semester-3), 2 Chapers IDOL, University of Mumbai -- -- -- --

News Paper Published by Faculty

Name of the Author Heading News Paper Name Date URL VIEW

Minor Research Project by Faculty

Employee Name Topic Name Descripation Date URL VIEW

Paper Presentation by Faculty

Employee Name TopicName Descripation Place Date URL VIEW

Resource Person by Faculty

Employee Name Resource Person Name Topic Name Descripation Student Name Date URL VIEW

PHD Guidance by Faculty

Employee Name Thesis Name Student Name Qualification Date Status URL VIEW


Social Extension Work by the Teachers

Name of the Faculty Committee Experience FDP/Orientation Program Responsibilities Social Extension work by the Faculty