
Year of Establishment



  1. To disseminate and advance knowledge concerned to Communication by providing instructional, and extension facilities in the teaching of English.
  2. to train students in methods and approaches appropriate to the Indian organizational communication
  3. to assist students in language education
  4. to evolve ways of testing language proficiency;
  5. to make provisions for innovative teaching-learning materials in both print and electronic media; 6. to develop critical understanding of the organizational communication systems.


  • English department sees opportunities in being at the epicentre of the college’s many wide-ranging collaborative enterprises, like, holding student-serving events, like, guest-lectures, poetry and fiction readings by writers of repute, holding interdisciplinary seminars, panel discussions, film screenings etc. All these impart to students new energy and cultural vision.
  • Strategic position of the college could be utilized to undertake more professional English Language Courses to equip students better.

Sr. Name of the Teacher Nature of Appointment Designation Qualifications Teaching Experience
1 Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Permanent Assistant Professor M.A., NET, PhD 21 years 1 months
2 Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Permanent Assistant Professor M.A., PhD, UGC SET 17 years 1 months

Courses offered :

  • FYBCOM: Ability Enhancemnet Course (AEC): Business Communication Skills-I and II
    •       Open Elective (OE): Indian Short Stories
    •                                     Short Stories from the West
  • FYBA: Communication Skills in English-I and II
Course : B.A.
Class : F.Y.B.A.
Semester : Semester I
Subject : Paper I - Communication Skills In English
Course : B.Com
Class : F.Y.B.COM
Semester : Semester I
Subject : Indian Short Stories
Course : B.Com
Class : F.Y.B.COM
Semester : Semester I
Subject : Business Communication-I
Course : B.Com
Class : F.Y.B.COM
Semester : Semester II
Subject : Short Stories from the West

Result Analysis

Meritorious Students

Research by Faculty

Name of the Teacher Books Published News Paper Published Minor Research Project Paper Presentations Resource Person PHD Guidance
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan 7 Nil Nil 24 1 Nil
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Nil Nil Nil 14 Nil Nil

Books Published by Faculty

Name of the Author Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN URL VIEW
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Karmayogi: A True Gandhian Arsh Publication, Pune 2021 -- -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan R.K.Laxman’s Cartoons and Vocabulary Teaching, Recent Trends in English Language Teaching- Vol II (ed. Dr. Sandeep Chavan) -- 2015 978-93-85012-02-0 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Muticulturalism dissected: A study of Caste Cruelty through Fandry. Exploration of Multiculturalismin Literature and FineArts (ed: Dr. Jagdish Patil) -- 2015 978-93-85019-18 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Germaneness of Buddhism in the present era, Fundamentals of Buddhism and Dr. B R Ambedkar(ed.). -- 2015 97-81-929160-6-4 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Pragmatics Pre-Active Intra Linguistics and the Second Language Learning, Research Nebula(an international peer reviewed journal -- 2015 ISSN 2277-8071 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Computer Mediated Communication: A New Medium, Language as a Tool of Communication(ed.) -- 2013 978-81-921250-1-9 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan SMSing: A new English, Information and Communication for Development ( Reach, Impact, Opportunities and Challenges, EPIGNOSIS, Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 1 -- 2013 -- -- --

News Paper Published by Faculty

Name of the Author Heading News Paper Name Date URL VIEW

Minor Research Project by Faculty

Employee Name Topic Name Descripation Date URL VIEW

Paper Presentation by Faculty

Employee Name TopicName Descripation Place Date URL VIEW
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Research Methodology in Language and Literature Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable in One Day National Conference on Research Methodology in Language and Literature at Siddarth arts, Commerce and Science College, Jafrabad Jalna 15/10/2022 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Analytical Study of Communication Pattern in Girish Karnad’s Naga-Mandala and Hayavadana

International Research Fellow Association’s research Journey, International E-Research Journal, Peer reviewed Referred and Indexed Journal, Issue-292 A, E-ISSN 2348-7143, Impact factor 6.625, April-2022

-- 18/04/2022 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Recent Trends in Humanities, Commerce and Management Revisiting Shakespeare through the Post-Colonial Theory in One Day International Multi-disciplinary Conference organised by Nutan Maratha College and Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University Jalgaon 09/04/2022 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Revisiting Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic

International Research Fellow Association’s research Journey, International E-Research Journal, Peer reviewed Referred and Indexed Journal, Issue-291 A, E-ISSN 2348-7143, April-2022

-- 08/04/2022 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Analytical Study of Karnad’s Boiled Beans on Toast in the Light of Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy of Needs

International Research Fellow Association’s research Journey, International E-Research Journal, Peer reviewed Referred and Indexed Journal, Issue-297 E, E-ISSN 2348-7143, June-2022

-- 06/01/2022 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Relevance of Communal Violence as Portrayed in Karnad’s Tale-Danda

Vol. 2, Issue 17, July-August-2022, International Journal of Advance and Applied Research (IJAAR) Peer Reviewed Bi-monthly ISSN 2347-7075 Impact Factor 7.328

-- 01/01/2022 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Hatred and Revenge as the major Motifs in Karnad’s The Fire and The Rain

Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Peer-Reviewed & Refereed International Research Journal, Special Issue 03 Vol. III

E- ISSN 2582-5429, SJIF Impact- 5.54

-- 15/06/2021 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Betrayal Personified in Karnad’s Tughlaq

Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Peer-Reviewed & Refereed International Research Journal, Vol. 03 Issue. I SJIF Impact- 5.54

E- ISSN 2582-5429

-- 01/01/2021 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar History Repeats Itself: Analytical Study of Karnad’s Tughlaq

Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal Peer-Reviewed & Refereed International Research ISSN 2582-5429(online) Vol-02, Issue III

-- 01/01/2020 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Achebe’s Things Fall Apart A Document of Protest in One Day International Seminar on Literature and Protest organised by the Department of English, University of Mumbai Mumbai 03/02/2018 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Things Fall Apart A Postcolonial Take in One Day National Seminar on Postcolonial Studies organised by Walchand College of Arts and Science Solapur 20/01/2018 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Girish Karnad as a Champion Playwright of Women Empowerment

Vol VII, Issue IV, October-December-2018, Ajanata, Peer Reviewed Referred and UGC listed Journal (No. 40776) ISSN 2277-5730, Impact Factor 5.5

-- 01/01/2018 -- --
Dr. M. Satya Shri Importance and Significance of 22 Vows in the Buddha Dhamma

Vol VII, Issue IV, October-December-2018, Ajanata, Peer Reviewed Referred and UGC listed Journal (No. 40776) ISSN 2277-5730, Impact Factor 5.5

-- 01/01/2018 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar A sense of Incompleteness and Desire in Karnad’s Hayavadana: A Buddhist Approach, Co-Author with Dr. J. S. Patil

Vol. 4, Issue 1, August 2017, Langlit, An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal UGC Approved-Arts and Humanities, Sr. No. 49124 ISSN2349-5189 Impact factor: 4.23

-- 01/01/2017 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Human Conflicts Reflected in Global English Literature Reflection of Contemporary Communal Conflicts in Karnad’s Tale-Danda in One Day National Conference organised by Yashwantrao Chavan Warna Mahavidyalaya Warnanagar 02/08/2016 -- --
Dr. Vanita Malik Conflicts in Human Relationships: A Study of Karnad’s The Fire and the Rain

Book (ed. Dr. Dinesh D. Satpute), 2017, ISBN 978-81-933230-4-5

Warnanagar 02/08/2016 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Violence in the Plays of Girish Karnad

Research Nebula an International, Referred, Peer Reviewed and Indexed Quarterly Journal in Arts, Commerce, Education and Social Sciences Vol. V. Issue II, July 2016, ISSN 2277-8071 Impact Factor 2.489 (SJIF)

-- 01/01/2016 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Recent Trend in Teaching English Language R. K. Laxman’s Cartoons and Vocabulary Teaching in One Day National Conference on Recent Trend in Teaching English Language to the Rural Students of India at Shahid Bhagatsingh Mahavidylaya, Killari Latur 10/10/2015 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Remedies over the Problems of Teaching and Learning English

Vol  II (ed. Dr. Sandeep Chavan), October 2015, ISBN 978-93-85012-02-0

Killari 10/10/2015 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Multiculturalism Dissected A Study of Caste Cruelty through Fandry in International Conference on Exploration of Multiculturalism in Literature and Fine Arts organised by Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalaya, Faizpur Jalgaon 11/09/2015 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Is Our Society Multicultural? Interrogates Karnad

International Conference on Exploration of Multiculturalism in Literature and Fine Arts organised by Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalaya

Faizpur 11/09/2015 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Fundamentals of Buddhism and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Germaneness of Buddhism in Present Era in the Second International Conference organised by Ghulam Nabi Arts, Commerce and Science College, Barshitakli and Madhukarrao Pawar Arts College, Murtijapur Akola 03/03/2015 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Buddhism and Empowerment of Women, II iNternational Conference on Fundamentals of Buddhism and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Second International Conference organised by Ghulam Nabi Arts, Commerce and Science College, and Madhukarrao Pawar Arts College

Barshi-Takli 03/03/2015 -- --
Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Journey from Marginalised to Self-Empowered: A Study of Karnad’s Females in Naga-Mandala, Hayavadana and The Fire and The Rain

Chapter in Book Marginalisation and the politics of Identity: Issues and Challenges ed. Harshad Bhosale, Published by Principal, Kirti M. Doongursee College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai-400028 ISBN 978-81-930573-3-9

Mumbai 01/01/2015 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan SMSing A New English in Two Day International Conference on Information and Communication for Development- Reach, Impact, Opportunities and Challenges organised by NES Ratnam College of Arts, Commerce and Science Bhandup 06/10/2012 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Gandhi, Nehru and Sustainable Development An Interdisciplinary National Conference in Gandhi, Nehru and Sustainable Development organised by Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalaya, Faizpur Jalgaon 20/03/2012 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in World Colonial Literatures and Human Rights in the First International Seminar organised by Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College Omerga Osmanabad 19/03/2012 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Human Rights Human Rights Intensions and Extensions in National Seminar on Human Rights organised by Dr. Gopalrao Khedkar Mahavidyalaya, Telhara Akola 01/10/2011 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Crisis Management Addressing the Grammar Crisis through R. K. Laxman’s Cartoons in National Conference organised by Chetana’s R .K. Institute of Management Research and Institute of Management and Research -- 18/02/2011 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Gandhian Idealogy and Values Two Day National Level Seminar organised by Gandhian Studies Centre, Maniben Nanavati Women’s College Ville Parle 16/12/2010 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Global Economic Problem and Actions State Level Seminar organised by Shankar Narayan College of Arts and Commerce, Bhayander (East) Thane 23/01/2010 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan National Service Scheme A Ten Day Orientation Course of National Service Scheme organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences -- 25/02/2009 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan New trend in Teaching of English Maharashtra University Teachers’ Association’s University Annual Conference organised by Arts, Science and Commerce College, Chopda Jalgaon 11/02/2008 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Framing of Syllabus at S Y B A and M A English I One Day Workshop organised by Smt. H R Patel Arts Mahila College, Shirpur Dhule 01/12/2007 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Celebrate the Centenary of Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi National Conference on to Celebrate the Centenary of Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi organised by Gandhian Studies Center, Jai Narain Vyas University Jodhpur 07/08/2007 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Gandhi, Hygiene and Untouchable and Gandhi and Globalisation Sensitisation Interface in Two Day National Seminar on The Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi in Present Context organised by Arts, Science and Commerce College, Chopda Jalgaon 10/03/2007 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Health and Youth A Rare Gandhian Perspective in Two Day National Seminar on Need of Gandhian Thoughts for Youths- A Guideline for Success in Life organised by North Maharashtra University and S P D M Arts, S B B and S H D Commerce and S M A Science College Jalgaon 02/02/2007 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Pragmatics International Conference on Pragmatics organised by Institute of Advanced Studies in English -- 17/12/2006 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Susan Gaspell’s Trifles

An Oscilliating Shift Towards a Modernist Art in North Maharashtra University Teachers’ Association’s University Annual Conference on Modernity and its Implications organised by Dr. Annasaheb Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Jalgaon 11/02/2006 -- --
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Interdisciplinary Applications of Electronics National Seminar on Interdisciplinary Applications of Electronics organised by Arts, Science and Commerce College, Chopda Jalgaon 29/01/2006 -- --

Resource Person by Faculty

Employee Name Resource Person Name Topic Name Descripation Student Name Date URL VIEW
Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan National E-Conference on Human Relationships in Literature and Society The Pre and Post Pandemic Perspective organised by PSGVP Mandal’s Shri S. L. Patil Arts, G. B. Patel Science, STKVS Commerce College, Shahada, Dist. Nandurbar, Maharashtra -- 11/12/2022 -- --

PHD Guidance by Faculty

Employee Name Thesis Name Student Name Qualification Date Status URL VIEW


Social Extension Work by the Teachers

Name of the Faculty Committee Experience FDP/Orientation Program Responsibilities Social Extension work by the Faculty