Environmental Studies (EVS)

Year of Establishment



  1. To create awareness about burning environmental issues amidst society at large.
  2. To impart basic knowledge about the environment and its allied problems while developing strong understanding and an attitude of concern for the environment.
  3. Environmental education introduces global, regional & local environmental concerns like global warming, climate change, pollution, threat to biodiversity, Mismanagement of Plastic & E-waste & growing concerns of fast fashion.
  4. To help students adopt a sustainable lifestyle & transform into a responsible citizen.


  1. Students participate in events organized by the committee and get a hands-on experience to deal with environmental problems
  2. It develops a sense of responsibility by gauging their contribution into world environmental issues. 
  3. Students are inclined towards Renewable energy sector as a career option.

Sr. Name of the Teacher Nature of Appointment Designation Qualifications Teaching Experience
1 Dr. Pushpa Nitesh Yadav Temporary Assistant Professor B.Ed., M. Com, MBA (HR), PhD 14 years 8 months

Courses offered :

F.Y.B.Com : Environmental Studies
Course : B.Com
Class : F.Y.B.COM
Semester : Semester I
Subject : Open Elective: Introduction to Environment
Course : B.Com
Class : F.Y.B.COM
Semester : Semester I
Subject : Environmental Studies-I
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Course : B.Com
Class : F.Y.B.COM
Semester : Semester II
Subject : Open Elective: Environmental Issues and Management
Course : B.Com
Class : F.Y.B.COM
Semester : Semester II
Subject : Environmental Studies II
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Result Analysis

Meritorious Students

Research by Faculty

Name of the Teacher Books Published News Paper Published Minor Research Project Paper Presentations Resource Person PHD Guidance
Dr. Pushpa Nitesh Yadav Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Books Published by Faculty

Name of the Author Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN URL VIEW

News Paper Published by Faculty

Name of the Author Heading News Paper Name Date URL VIEW

Minor Research Project by Faculty

Employee Name Topic Name Descripation Date URL VIEW

Paper Presentation by Faculty

Employee Name TopicName Descripation Place Date URL VIEW
Mrs. Archana Joshi Temporal Analysis of Air Quality In Mumbai During Winters Causing Haze And Health Issues

The study focuses on temporal distribution of Haze around various locations in Mumbai city. Theprimary pollutant causing such weather phenomenon were studied. Inference was drawn using the data collected for a span of three months of 2015-2017 and their AQI values were compared. The result closed down on one active pollutant (Particulate Matter 10) that caused nuisance in most days of all the three consecutive years

Mumbai 15/01/2018 -- --

Resource Person by Faculty

Employee Name Resource Person Name Topic Name Descripation Student Name Date URL VIEW

PHD Guidance by Faculty

Employee Name Thesis Name Student Name Qualification Date Status URL VIEW


Social Extension Work by the Teachers

Name of the Faculty Committee Experience FDP/Orientation Program Responsibilities Social Extension work by the Faculty