The college received permission to start the B.Sc. I.T. course from the academic year 2001 -2002, by the University of Mumbai and the Government of Maharashtra. It has a computer based syllabus which meets the need of the 21st Century for advanced and technical education. Knowledge of computer technology has become a must to survive in this modern volatile civilized world.

The College has a well equipped Computer Laboratory and Electronics Laboratory. The College has a well qualified staff and has provided the necessary infrastructure as per University rules and regulations.


  • To provide a rigorous study of the theory and principles underlying modern applications of computing.
  • To develop a high degree of expertise in the application, integration and critical evaluation of a range of computing tools and facilities
  • To develop the ability in students to communicate effectively.
  • To provide the expertise and understanding required to make a contribution to the future development of practice and theory in the computing industry.


  • It is a full time course. The duration of the course shall be six semesters over a period of three years.
  • A batch shall consist not more than 60 students. The intake capacity of the course is 180 students.


  • The Online Admission Process is entirely transparent, time-saving & economical.
  • Online Admission form can be filled at home / at any help center.
  • To get the institution re-accreditated with an “A” grade.
  • Freedom from long queues.
  • A maximum of 150 colleges can be opted through one form.
  • Information regarding acceptance of form will be conveyed through SMS.
  • Information booklet regarding Online admission is available in the college.

The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each course where the course consists of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination. The learner shall obtain minimum of 40% marks(i.e 10 out of 25) in Internal Assessment and 40% in Semester End Examination (i.e 30 out of 75) separately, to pass a course and minimum of Grade D in each Project, wherever applicable , to pass a particular semester. A learner will be said to have passed the course, if the learner passes Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.

Question paper pattern for periodical class test for course at UG Programs written Class test (20 Marks)

Sr. Evaluation Type Marks
1 Answer in brief (Attempt Any four of Six) (5 Marks each) 20

As per previous ordinance there will not be any internal examination for practical’s.

It is noted that the amended regulation 8435 is to be implemented to all Semesters i.e. Semester I to Semester VI to all Undergraduate programs ,simultaneously, under faculty of Art’s ,Commerce and Science from the academic year 2014-2015

Lab Work & Journal/Practical/Case Study Presentation/Mini Project:Learners will be evaluated out of 50 marks based on their performance in the respective category for each course (subject).

Carry Forward of Marks

  • Candidate to appear for the Internal Examination, if he/she fails in the Internal Examination & passes Semester End Exam.
  • Candidate to appear for the Semester End Exam, if he/she fails in the Semester End Exam & passes Internal Examination.
  • He/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing of the complete course.

Allowed to keep Terms (ATKT)

  • 100% promotion from ODD to EVEN semester i.e. I to II, III to IV and V to VI
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep terms for Sem III if he/she passes (Grade E or above in each course(subject)) each of semester I and II.
    He/she fails in not more than three courses in each of the semester-I and Semester-II.
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep terms for Sem V if he/she passes (Grade E or above in each course(subject))each of semester I, II, III and IV.
    He/she has passed Sem I & II and fails in not more than three courses in each of the semester - III and Semester - IV.
  • Result of Sem. VI will be declared only if he/she passes each of I, II, III, IV, V.

The 10th Point Grading System

Grade Marks Grade Points
O 80 & Above 10
A+ 70 to 79.99 9
A 60 to 69.99 8
B+ 55 to 59.99 7
B 50 to 54.99 6
C 45 to 49.99 5
D 40 to 44.99 4
F Below 40 0
AB Absent 0

Credit Based Evaluation System

The Performance of the learners will be evaluated in two componenets as as follows:

  1. Internal Assesment Component Carrying 25% marks
  2. Semester End Examination Component Carrying 75% marks