Shankar Narayan Education Trust has an immense pleasure to announce that, it is introducing the new degree course - B.Sc. Computer Science from the academic year 2008-2009 with the permission and the approval of the University of Mumbai.


  • Contribute to the building, documentation, testing, management and evaluation of a range of computer applications.
  • To provide the expertise and understanding required to make a contribution to the future development of practice and theory in the computing industry.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles underlying the design and performance of computer hardware and software systems.
  • Use and critically evaluate a range of formal methods in the design and engineering of computer applications.


  • The course is a full time course. The duration of the course is of three years.
  • Number of students : A batch shall consist of more than 24 students. The intake capacity of the course is 48 students.


  • The Online Admission Process is entirely transparent, time-saving & economical.
  • Online Admission form can be filled at home / at any help center.
  • To get the institution re-accreditated with an “A” grade.
  • Freedom from long queues.
  • A maximum of 150 colleges can be opted through one form.
  • Information regarding acceptance of form will be conveyed through SMS.
  • Information booklet regarding Online admission is available in the college.

First Year

Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
USCS101 Digital Systems & Architecture 02 USCS201 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 02
USCSP101 Digital Systems & Architecture – Practical 01 USCSP201 Design & Analysis of Algorithms – Practical 01
USCS102 Introduction to Programming with Python 02 USCS202 Advanced Python Programming 02
USCSP102 Introduction to Programming with Python – Practical 01 USCSP202 Advanced Python Programming – Practical 01
USCS103 LINUX Operating System 02 USCS203 Introduction to OOPs using C++ 02
USCSP103 LINUX Operating System – Practical 01 USCSP203 Introduction to OOPs using C++ – Practical 01
USCS104 Open Source Technologies 02 USCS204 Database Systems 02
USCSP104 Open Source Technologies – Practical 01 USCSP204 Database Systems – Practical 01
USCS105 Discrete Mathematics 02 USCS205 Calculus 02
USCS105 Discrete Mathematics – Practical 01 USCSP205 Calculus – Practical 01
USCS106 Descriptive Statistics 02 USCS206 Statistical Methods 02
USCSP106 Descriptive Statistics – Practical 01 USCSP206 Statistical Methods – Practical 01
USCS107 Soft Skills 02 USCS207 E-Commerce & Digital Marketing 02
-- -- -- USCS101 Digital Systems & Architecture 02

Second Year

Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
USCS301 Theory of Computation 02 USCS401 Fundamentals of Algorithms 02
USCS302 Core JAVA 02 USCS402 Advanced JAVA 02
USCS303 Operating System 02 USCS403 Computer Networks 02
USCS304 Database Management Systems 02 USCS404 Software Engineering 02
USCS305 Combinatorics and Graph Theory 02 USCS405 Linear Algebra using Python 02
USCS306 Physical Computing and IoT Programming 02 USCS406 .NET Technologies 02
USCS307 Skill Enhancement: Web Programming 02 USCS407 Skill Enhancement: Android Developer Fundamentals 02
USCSP301 USCS302+USCS303+USCS304 03 USCSP401 USCS401+ USCS402+ USCS403 03
USCSP302 USCS305+USCS306+USCS307 03 USCSP402 USCS405+ USCS406+ USCS407 03

Third Year

Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
Elective-I (Select Any Two) Elective-I (Select Any Two)
USCS501 Artificial Intelligence 03 USCS601 Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Communication 03
USCS502 Linux Server Administration 03 USCS602 Cloud Computing 03
USCS503 Software Testing and Quality Assurance USCS603 Cyber Forensics 03
Elective-II (Select Any Two) Elective-II (Select Any Two)
USCS504 Information and Network Security 03 USCS604 Information Retrieval 03
USCS505 Architecting of IoT 03 USCS605 Digital Image Processing 03
USCS506 Web Services 03 USCS606 Data Science 03
Skill Enhancement Skill Enhancement
USCS507 Game Programming 02 USCS607 Ethical Hacking 02
Practical Practical
USCSP501 Practical of Elective-I 02 USCSP601 Practical of Elective-I 02
USCSP502 Practical of Elective-II 02 USCSP602 Practical of Elective-II 02
USCSP503 Project Implementation 01 USCSP603 Project Implementation 01
USCSP504 Practical of Skill Enhancement : USCS507 01 USCSP604 Practical of Skill Enhancement : USCS607 01

The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each course where the course consists of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination. The learner shall obtain minimum of 40% marks(i.e 10 out of 25) in Internal Assessment and 40% in Semester End Examination (i.e 30 out of 75) separately, to pass a course and minimum of Grade E in each Project, wherever applicable, to pass a particular semester. A learner will be said to have passed the course, if the learner passes Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.

Question paper pattern for periodical class test for course at UG Programs written Class test (20 Marks)

Sr. Evaluation Type Marks
1 Match the Column /Fill in the Blanks/Multiple Choice questions(1/2 Marks each) 05
2 Answer in One or Two Lines(Concept based Questions) (1 Mark each) 05
3 Answer in brief(Attempt Any two of Three)(5 Marks each) 10

As per previous ordinance there will not be any internal examination for practical’s.

It is noted that the amended regulation 8435 is to be implemented to all Semesters i.e. Semester I to Semester VI to all Undergraduate programs, simultaneously, under faculty of Art’s, Commerce and Science from the academic year 2014-2015

Lab Work & Journal/Practical/Case Study Presentation/Mini Project:Learners will be evaluated out of 50 marks based on their performance in the respective category for each course (subject).

Carry Forward of Marks

  • Candidate to appear for the Internal Examination, if he/she fails in the Internal Examination & passes Semester End Exam.
  • Candidate to appear for the Semester End Exam, if he/she fails in the Semester End Exam & passes Internal Examination.
  • He/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing of the complete course.

Allowed to keep Terms (ATKT)

  • 100% promotion from ODD to EVEN semester i.e. I to II, III to IV and V to VI
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep terms for Sem III if he/she passes (Grade E or above in each course(subject)) each of semester I and II.
    He/she fails in not more than three courses in each of the semester-I and Semester-II.
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep terms for Sem V if he/she passes (Grade E or above in each course(subject))each of semester I, II, III and IV.
    He/she has passed Sem I & II and fails in not more than three courses in each of the semester - III and Semester - IV.
  • Result of Sem. VI will be declared only if he/she passes each of I, II, III, IV, V.

The 10th Point Grading System

Grade Marks Grade Points
O 80 & Above 10
A+ 70 to 79.99 9
A 60 to 69.99 8
B+ 55 to 59.99 7
B 50 to 54.99 6
C 45 to 49.99 5
D 40 to 44.99 4
F Below 40 0
AB Absent 0

Credit Based Evaluation System

The Performance of the learners will be evaluated in two componenets as as follows:

  1. Internal Assesment Component Carrying 25% marks
  2. Semester End Examination Component Carrying 75% marks