Year of Establishment: 2009

The Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) Financial Market Degree Course (Semester I to " VI) has been introduced by the University of Mumbai from the academic year 2009-10.

Shankar Narayan Education Trust launched new course - B.Com. (Financial Markets) from the academic year 2008-09 with the objective of creating additional avenue of self employment to the students and to provide suitable and trained persons for financial service sector.

Service sector has been increasing its role day-by-day in Indian Economy. The major role in the service sector is played by the financial services. Financial services providers are the important parts of the financial markets FIIs, FDI, MNCs, FBs, Infrastructural Developments in the country through the support of the Government and private undertakings opening up of the markets in the globalised era, increasing importance of the stock market operations, trading and commercial activities in Mumbai and surrounding areas.

BFM Department conducted a seminars for the benefits of students and to enhance their knowledge of financial market. BFM Department conduct seminar during the academic year 2015–2016 are on Positive Attitude by Brahma Kumari , Financial Awareness and share market by National Securities depository Limited , Personality Development by ISKON , Brain Hacking and its Importance in Management and Investment Opportunities by Finrex.

BFM students visited Reserve Bank of India museum for their Industrial Visit. The students gained practical Knowledge of financial dealings in market.


  • To provide suitable and well trained candidates for financial service sector
  • To create additional avenue of self-employment to the students
  • To provide well trained professionals in the corporate sector


  • The course is a full time course. The duration of the course is of three years.
  • Number of students : A batch shall consist of more than 24 students. The intake capacity of the course is 48 students.


  • To tie up with Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE) & National Stock Exchange (NSE) for conducting certification courses in the college
  • To bring awareness of the adverse effect of Derivatives Contracts by conducting Seminar & Workshop
  • To conduct workshop on Greed Management (to control greed and to safeguard against committing blunder in stock trading)
  • To train students for Gmat and Cmat examination by instructions and conducting mock examinations

A students shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each theory paper (where the theory paper consists of Internal Assessment & Semester (End Examination) with minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester end examination (i.e. 24 Out of 60) separately to pass the subject and minimum of grade C in each project wherever applicable to pass a particular semester.

Carry Forward of Marks

  • A student who PASSES in the Internal Examination but FAILS in the Semester End Examination of the theory paper shall reappear for the Semester End Examination of that theory paper. However his/her marks of the Internal Examinations shall be carried over but he/she shall be entitled for grade "E" on passing.
  • A student who PASSES in the Semester End Examination but FAILS in the Internal Examination of the theory paper shall reappear for the Internal Examination of that theory paper. However his/her marks of the Semester End Examination shall be carried over but he/she shall be entitled for grade "E" on passing.

The Internal Examination for reappearing students will consist of one project of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the hard copy of the project, 10 marks for the presentation and 10 marks for the viva.

Allowed to keep Terms (ATKT)

  • A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester I
  • A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III if he/she passes each of Semester I and Semester II
    A student fails in not more than two papers of Semester I and Semester II taken together where the total marks does not exceed 200
  • A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of number of heads of failure in Semester III : However the student has to pass each of Semester I and Semester II in order to appear for Semester IV
  • A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester V if he/she passes Semester I, Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV
    A student shall pass Semester I and Semester II and falls in not more than two theory papers of Semester III and Semester IV taken together where the total marks does not exceed 200
  • A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester V
  • The result of Semester VI shall be kept in abeyance until the student passes each of Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester IV and Semester V

Additional Examination

There will be one additional examination for semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remained absent. The absent student will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution/after following the necessary formalities of medical/special ground. This examination will be held 30 days the declaration of results but not later than 60 days.

Evaluation of Project

  • A student who PASSES IN All THE THEORY PAPERS BUT DOES NOT secure minimum grade of C in project as applicable has to resubmit a fresh project till he/she secures a minimum of grade C. His/her marks in the theory papers that the student has passed will be carried forward but he/she shall be entitled for grade "E" on passing
  • The evaluation of project and viva-voce examination shall be by awarding grade in the seven point scale as given in (I) above.
  • A student shall have to obtain, minimum of grade C (or its equivalent marks) in project evaluation and viva/voce taken together to obtain 40% marks in project work

The 10th Point Grading System

Grade Marks Grade Points
O 80 & Above 10
A+ 70 to 79.99 9
A 60 to 69.99 8
B+ 55 to 59.99 7
B 50 to 54.99 6
C 45 to 49.99 5
D 40 to 44.99 4
F Below 40 0
AB Absent 0

Credit Based Evaluation System

The Performance of the learners will be evaluated in two componenets as as follows:

  1. Internal Assesment Component Carrying 25% marks
  2. Semester End Examination Component Carrying 75% marks