The college library was established in the year 1994, with meagre 246 books with the budget of Rs.25,934/- only. Since then the never ending journey of its progress and development began and the college library started growing leaps and bounds. Today the library has the collection of 48,034 books.

The library’s mission is to provide comprehensive resources and services, to cater to the teaching and learning needs of the teaching fraternity and to facilitate the needs of the individual user as well.

The library is the heart of the academic setup. This heart disseminates the elixir of academic life that is knowledge to the academic community and accomplishment of its educational objectives. The teacher imparts knowledge but it is the library which satisfies the individual’s inquisitiveness and sense of inquiry.

The college's Librarian Mr. Sandesh M. Dongare joined on 4/8/2008. Earlier the college library was on the Ground floor. Now the library has been shifted to the first floor of the college due to the increasing space demand as per the law of Library science- “Library is a growing organism”. The area of the college library is 6110 sq.ft. The library consists of Reference Section, Periodical Section, Network Resource Centre, Processing Section, Book Bank Section, Teachers Reading Section, Reading Room for Students; more than 60 students can sit and read in the library at a time. The entire library functioning has been automated with Libpro software along with Barcode technology. Two separate computer systems are provided for Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) so students can get quick access to books. Entire library is under CCTV surveillance. Five High Definition CCTV cameras are installed for better supervision and administration of the college Library. The collection is arranged according to Dewey Decimal Classification.


Knowledge society is a society in which the creation, distribution use, integration and manipulation of knowledge is unabatedly goes on.

Like the societal transformation from agricultural society to industrial society to the present knowledge society, libraries have also regenerated their services and have struggled hard to remain relevant to the societal needs.

Fritz Machhup introduced the concept of ‘Knowledge Society’ as early as 1962 and has distinguished the five sectors of knowledge Industry: education, research and development, mass media, information technology and finally information services. As information services are one of the key factors of knowledge industry, agencies and institution providing information services are very critical for the functioning of knowledge society. It is here that the role of the library and information centers is considered significant. The education and research are the solid pillars of knowledge society. The indispensable support from libraries and information centers is clearly visible.

The institutions of higher learning like university ,college, corporate and industrial library and also the public library meant for common public. Libraries have redefined their roles according to the changing contours of the society.

Book Bank Committee

Sr. Employee Name Designation
1 Dr. Vishnu N. Yadav Chairperson
2 Dr. Surekha Mishra Member
3 Mr. Sunil Atmaram Dhapse Member
4 Mr. Shashikant Sarjerao Maghade Member
5 Dr. Dhiraj K. Chouhan Member
6 Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Member
7 Mr. Bhushan Patil Member

Library Advisory Committee

Sr. Employee Name Designation
1 Dr. Vishnu N. Yadav Chairperson
2 Mr. Sandesh M. Dongre Librarian
3 Dr. M. Satya Shri Member
4 Mr. Sunil Atmaram Dhapse Member
5 Mr. Shashikant Sarjerao Maghade Member
6 Dr. Amol Ukhardu Bavaskar Member
7 Mr. Bhushan Patil Member

General Rules

  • While entering the library, all personal articles such as umbrellas, sticks, books, parcels, hats, hand-bags, portfolios, purses, attach cases, flat files and file cover etc. shall be deposited with the Attendant at the entrance counter and a numbered token shall be obtained in lieu there of. This facility for depositing personal belongings at the check-counter can be enjoyed only for the period the depositor is in the Library.

  • Though for the period of deposit, all reasonable care for the safe custody of the articles will be taken, the administration accepts no responsibility for any damage or loss for the same.

  • The staff member of the Library at the entrance is authorised to examine everything that passes into or out of the library.

  • Talking, spitting, eating food, sleeping, smoking or any behavior intended to disturb other readers or the discipline of the Library is strictly prohibited.

  • The Librarian has the power to suspend the use of the ticket and card of any member or to refuse admission to any one infringing any rules of the Library and/or to suspend or cancel the use of the borrower’s ticket and the Reading Room Card of any member.

  • No books shall be removed from the library by any person unless the person authorised has signed his name in the records maintained for the purpose or sent a signed receipt for the same to the librarian.

  • No books shall be issued to any person other than duly registered member or to a person duly authorised by such person in writing on each occasion and without producing of the Borrowers Ticket.

  • No books shall be issued during the period when the stock taking is in progress, only the facilities of the reading room will be granted. Borrowers shall return all the books borrowed by them within three clear days before the commencement of such a period. Usual late fee shall be charged if the books are not returned before the date mentioned on Borrower's card.

Conditions of Loan

  • The period of loan of books shall be one week.

  • For the purpose of these rules, the term “Volume” shall include pamphlet and part of the work separately shown.

  • Following types of books shall not be lent out of the library.

    • Dissertations and Projects

    • Reference books.

    • Books marked as “rare” or “Reserved” books.

    • Maps.

    • Back volumes of periodicals.

    • Loose issues of Journals.

    • Syllabus, Question Papers, Standards, Patents, Specifications, Conference proceedings, Seminar Reports, Video tapes, Floppy, Compact disks, Microfilms, Microfiche, Slides etc.

  • In the case of emergency only, the Librarian at his discretion may allow loan of books mentioned above in section (3) for a short term.

  • When there is any increase in demand of a particular book or books, the Librarian may regulate the use of such book in such a manner, as he considers appropriate.

  • The Librarian may, at any time recall any book before the expiry of the period for which it was loaned and the borrower shall comply with such a requisition.

  • The normal period of loan may be extended for a further period of one weeks by bringing the book and getting the next due date stamped , provided that the renewal may not be allowed if that is already claimed by another reader. Only two renewal in any case will be permitted.

  • No book will lent out to students studying in the colleges conducted by the college joining regular academic session.

  • Not withstanding anything in section (3) above, the Librarian may, at his discretion, grant permission to any member to borrow such number of books, in excess, than he is entitled for mentioned in different categories as the Librarian may think appropriate.

Late Fees

  • A member who keeps a book beyond the date on which it is returnable shall be required to pay a late fee of Rs. 1 per day per volume.

  • No late fee will be charged to teacher of the college and the affiliated colleges of S.N.E.T. for a period for 90 days per volume. If such a teacher fails to return the book issued to him on or before the due date, he shall be charged late fee for a period of two months to the maximum limit of Rs.15/- per book, In case the teacher fails to return the book within a period of five months from the due date, the late fee shall be charged to him at the rate of Rs.15/-per books, the book will be treated as lost, replacement cost of the book will be recovered and membership will be cancelled.

  • If a borrower fails to pay the late fee within a period of one month from the date it become due, the same shall be deducted from his library deposit, His membership is liable to be cancelled after such deduction.

NOTE: This rule however, shall not apply to books issued to the authorities, officers of the college for official purpose.


Damage & Loss Of Books

  • Every member taking a book out of the library and every user within the Library shall be responsible for its safe custody and shall return it to the Library Assistant.

  • In the events of its being lost or damaged, he shall either replace it or pay the cost of replacement. If a book is “Rare” one, he shall be required to pay such compensation as the Librarian may think appropriate.

  • Reader shall not write upon, damage, tear off the leaves or make any mark either in pencil or ink upon any book, manuscript or map belonging to the library, nor shall they lay the paper on which they are writing upon in any book, map or manuscript. The erasure of any mark or any writing on any book, manuscript or map or damage to any book or manuscript shall be brought it to the notice of the Librarian.

  • No tracing and no copying of any map or manuscript shall be done without the permission of the Librarian.

  • In case of a book belonging to a set or series is lost or damaged by a member and a new volume is not separately available, the whole set or series shall have to be replaced by the borrower.

  • Before leaving the counter the borrower should immediately point out any mutiliations in the book to Library Asstt. on duty or otherwise the borrower shall be held responsible for replacement of the book or payment of such compensation as may be fixed by the Librarian.

  • It shall be the duty of the Library Assistant on duty at the counter to examine each book returned by a member and to check if it is mutilated or damaged.

  • The Librarian should credit the amount of compensation realised for the books lost or damaged under a separate head of account and arrange to replace the same out of this fund.

Withdrawal of Library Facilities

  • A member for whom any dues are outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books unless he clears off all the dues.

  • If a book remains unreturned for a fortnight after its due date, the borrower shall not be entitled to enjoy any library facilities till he returns the books and pays all the dues.

Unauthorised Removal of Books

  • Action shall be taken against a person for unauthorised removal of the books or other property of the library. The library committee, in its next meeting, will take appropriate action.


  • Home lending facility is offered to the students for a week (Circulation ), including inter library loan

  • Reading Room facility

  • Reference and Information services

  • The Reprography (Xerox) service.

  • Computer and Printing

  • Information Display and Notification

  • User Education / Information Literacy

  • Senior college student are allowed to have open access to the library books

  • The book Bank facility is offered to the backward class students.

  • Question paper sets of the previous year examinations are made available.

  • College library has established Network Resource Centre recognising the need and impact of Internet on teaching and learning process that helps the users to access any information easily.

  • Users can also access the library’s CDs/DVD’s on relevant topics. (CD-ROM Database).

  • Current Awareness Service (CAS) and Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) Services through E-mail to the all the college employees.

  • Online Public Access Catalogue. (OPAC)

  • E-Journal Services

  • E-Book Service.

  • Clipping Service.


Since its inception the library collection is getting multiplied with each academic year, till date the library comprises of 36401 books including text books, general books , reference books, encyclopedias, annual reports, etc.

Collection Status



Total Collection


Sr. College



Jr. College






B.Com. Banking and Insurance



B.Com. Accounting and Finance









B.Com. Financial Markets









Book Bank





Book Bank facility is provided to Economically Backward Class Students on receipt of their requisite forms. Due notice of Book Bank is published on all the notice boards at the time of admissions. There are two book bank schemes provided by the college.

  • Student Aid Fund Book Bank : This book bank scheme is run for the Economically Backward/ Other Backward Class Students. 5-6 books regarding syllabus are issued to students for the whole year and taken back after final examination is over. The funds for this scheme are raised from Student Aid Fund of the college.

  • BC Book Bank : This book bank scheme is run for the SC/ST Category Students. 4-6 books regarding syllabus are issued to students for the whole year and taken back after final examination is over. University of Mumbai, Mumbai provides funds for this scheme every year.

SAF Book Bank / BC Book Bank


SAF Book Bank

BC Book Bank























Resource Name Link
Annals of Library and Information Studies

OERs - Articles & Scholarship

Resource Name Link
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Google Scholar


Resource Name Link
ABC Chemistry
African Index Medicus