
Year of Establishment



• To preserve Marathi language so that everyone can meet this language with great zeal • To emphasis the employment possibilities through Marathi Language • To nurture the reading and writing skills in Marathi


Sr. Name of the Teacher Nature of Appointment Designation Qualifications Teaching Experience
1 Mrs. Ruchita Rane Temporary Assistant Professor B.Ed, M.Ed., MA (Economics) 18 years 11 months

Courses offered :

Compulsory and Optional Marathi at FYBA and Optional Paper II and III at SYBA level are taught

Course : B.A.
Class : F.Y.B.A.
Course : B.A.
Class : F.Y.B.A.
Semester : Semester I
Subject : नाटक: एक साहित्य प्रकाराचा अभ्यास
Course : B.A.
Class : F.Y.B.A.
Semester : Semester II
Subject : Kavita ya Sahitya Prakaracha Abhyas कविता: या साहित्य प्रकाराचा अभ्यास
Course : B.A.
Class : S.Y.B.A.

Result Analysis

Meritorious Students

Research by Faculty

Name of the Teacher Books Published News Paper Published Minor Research Project Paper Presentations Resource Person PHD Guidance
Mrs. Ruchita Rane 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Books Published by Faculty

Name of the Author Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN URL VIEW
Mrs. Ruchita Rane STD-VIII & X Marathi Balbharti Parshwa Publication 2020 -- -- --
Mrs. Ruchita Rane Parshwa Publication Chetana Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2018 978_93_8751_470_6 -- --

News Paper Published by Faculty

Name of the Author Heading News Paper Name Date URL VIEW

Minor Research Project by Faculty

Employee Name Topic Name Descripation Date URL VIEW

Paper Presentation by Faculty

Employee Name TopicName Descripation Place Date URL VIEW

Resource Person by Faculty

Employee Name Resource Person Name Topic Name Descripation Student Name Date URL VIEW

PHD Guidance by Faculty

Employee Name Thesis Name Student Name Qualification Date Status URL VIEW


Social Extension Work by the Teachers

Name of the Faculty Committee Experience FDP/Orientation Program Responsibilities Social Extension work by the Faculty